Friday, July 08, 2005

Sound of the Day Podcast - July 8 2005

Sound of the Day Podcast - July 8 2005

You've probably gone for a drive at some time in your life. If so, you've surely heard the Sound of the Day podcast sound for today. What would make that sound?

To find out the answers, check out the comments section of this post tomorrow evening.


Chris Ritke said...

Man, I don't know what the heck that is.

But - it's really weird - this didn't play in my Quicktime player in Firefox... I had to download it and listen to it with iTunes...

Sound of the Day said...

I'm not sure why you can't open this show using QuickTime in FireFox. Which OS are you using? I've had no problems on two different Macs using QuickTime player in FireFox. Let me know if you have any trouble with other shows or any in the future.

Is anyone else having trouble with this or other shows?

Sound of the Day said...

The Sound of the Day for July 8, 2005 is a turn indicator inside a car. If it doesn't sound like the one in your (or your friend's) automobile, send me a sample to let me know how it sounds.