Monday, October 09, 2006

Sound of the Day Podcast - October 7 2006

Sound of the Day Podcast - October 7 2006

The retrospective exploration of Sound of the Day podcasts gone by continue with the June 2005 theme from the pop band Ned and the Nedtones and this calypso-inspired tune. Kinda catchy, isn't it?

The Sound of the Day podcast sound for today can be heard after a large party during cleanup or any time you take out recyclables after having a few too many. What could be making this Sound?

If you think you know what makes today's Sound, drop us a line. We would love to hear from you!

The Sound of the Day for October 6, 2006 is a electric lawn trimmer (sometimes called a weed whacker) being pulsed on and off a few times, then brought up to full speed.

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