Monday, January 30, 2006

Sound of the Day Podcast - January 30 2006

Sound of the Day Podcast - January 30 2006

At the grocery store, eh? Well if you are looking for a bargain in produce, you might make the Sound of the Day podcast sound for today. Doesn't matter a hill of these whether you get the answer right, but we'd love to have you guess what might make that Sound.

To find out the answer, check out the comments section of this post tomorrow evening.


Anonymous said...

Someone scooping out beans (or something similar) when buying bulk at a grocery store?

Sound of the Day said...

That's exactly right, RedSoxFan! The Sound of the Day for January 30, 2006 is beans (in this case Pinto Beans) being scooped out of a bulk bin at the grocery store.