Friday, November 18, 2005

Sound of the Day Podcast - November 18 2005

Sound of the Day Podcast - November 18 2005

High school musical hijinks turn into the Sound of the Day podcast sound for today. Someone's playing an instrument... sounds familiar, but what is it? Take a guess and let us all know.

To find out the answer, check out the comments section of this post tomorrow evening.


Sound of the Day said...

The Sound of the Day for November 18, 2005 is an old recording of a young guitarist making his instrument sound like a bagpipe playing a Scottish tune.

Any one know the name of that traditional Scottish song?

Anonymous said...

Original tune name is "Scotland the Brave". Also commonly known as the tune for the LDS hymn, "Praise to the Man". Do I get bonus points?

Sound of the Day said...

Of course you do... Bonus points for ron!!! :D

Thanks for writing in and letting us know. Excellent info.